It’s snowing here in Maryland and it is wonderful. Obviously, all roads lead to my camera and my dogs. My Shih Tzu is too small to enjoy the snow but my Redbone Coonhound is just the right size. Well, at least until she gets bored of it (about 15 minutes) then she wants to go inside. Also, since the area is fenced in and snowed in there isn’t a whole lot of ways to escape so I could take her collar off. Only do this if you are certain you control the area.
All that is photo session planning, right? I know my Shih Tzu doesn’t like the snow so I don’t push him into it. I know my Coonhound will enjoy it but only in 15 minute bouts. So I plan accordingly. Furthermore, the snow is going to get her to leave her legs more to maneuver through it so action shots. But also, her breed is a hunting breed so she will inspect things so expect her to be inquisitive about things so be prepared to switch to shots of her investigating things.
I set my shutter speed up a little and the day light keeps my ISO lower. Since I have so much ISO to work with I can up my aperture and adjust accordingly. Still, it takes a bit of walking around the yard and calling her. At which point she comes running. Then I wait, and get a few shots of her looking around and then I move somewhere else and do it all again.
I have bookings available if you need photography work done. Feel free to contact me.