Another quick post as I have lots of processing still to do, but I am getting it done.
I recently had a wonderful photo session in Annapolis with an amazing family. We walked all over downtown Annapolis taking photos when we got to the docks and suddenly a person in red was doing stretches in the back, this particular situation is one of the things I love about photography because it’s not the problem it seems to be. For starters, let me be clear – this person had every right to be there and good for him for exercising! Yes, him being there posed a problem for the shot framing but not a big problem, actually he posed an easily fixed problem.
Sure, I could go into Photoshop and spend minutes or even hours editing him, or I could go into Lightroom and attempt to carefully use the heal brush and make him disappear, but why do all that work? Instead, I merely moved around so he was positioned directly behind my subjects. And with that simple movement the person in red was gone. No time is spent editing him out in processing so I can focus on other things when I am doing processing and I didn’t have to ask him to move for the shot. Never underestimate what your feet and movement can do to quietly solve your problems. You can save hours in the processing phase if you carefully consider your positioning during the actual photo shoot.