These are some of the publicity photos I took for the Compass Rose Theatre production of Sylvia, which is currently running until October 29, 2023. Check out their website at to purchase tickets, and you should purchase tickets because they have a great cast and a great show.
When doing publicity photos, you want to arrive early. Not only do you want to get a feel for the set, as even if you are familiar with the stage the set is pretty much always changing, but also to get a feel free the people involved. Namely, any producers or directors who might be on set as well as the actors. How these people interact with each other will give you a good indication as to how to approach the human element during the whole session. Usually this is self-explanatory but if you can’t get a read on someone then play it safe and cautiously.
Also remember that while you are there to do photography this is the territory of other artists – you are merely a guest in it. Treat it with respect and always ask permission.
As for the photos themselves, keep in mind that the people in charge of publicity have ideas as to what they want. Some are more specific than others. You are bringing your skills and equipment to help give them the best visualization of that result as well as to give them the best alternative options to it. The general overall goal is to give a good idea of what the show is about, what kind of show it is, and what the characters are about.