It’s been cold and miserable, so here is a photo of a little lady ready for spring to start. I coordinated with her mother by finding out the outfit of choice. Then I went with a white backdrop and flashed a strobe with a yellow gel on it giving a yellow background. We lucked out; she was in a very good mood at the time of the photo session so getting a smile was super easy. She was also very animated which always works great.
The last photo is the baby stand in for this photo session (or first or wherever the social media sites put it on – it’s the picture with the bunny). I can’t stress enough how important it is to have your setup ready before your subject is on set. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t but the younger your subject the more you need to have things ready to go because the less certain you can be your subject will be in a cooperative mood. Thus, the stand in to test everything. Before this baby was on set everything was thoroughly tested. There was no waiting and just a few seconds for adjustments, just set her down and we start.
It's a three-light setup. The previously mentioned strobed aimed at the backdrop is one. The key light was a strobe with an octagon softbox. The fill light was a long softbox just off to the side of her. I also had her on a table because she’d be too short for even the smallest light tripod to hold the lights up. Obviously with help just off to the side.