It feels like it’s been forever since I did any work with my dog and low key work so here is two in one.
A good but, time consuming, trick for dogs is walking them before the session. A tired dog will be more prone to listen to commands it has been taught. An energized dog will be more prone to be excited about anything and everything. On that note, be sure to carefully place any distractions on your set because that is likely the direction your dog is going to look and even try to walk to. And, as always, treats go a long way.
This was a single light setup. I was mostly going for rim lighting, but she had other ideas, so I went with that. I was still able to get that side head shot I was looking for plus a few other variations. That’s what I like about low key lighting, even if it doesn’t go according to plan you should still be able to get something you can use out of it. Also, notice how the light wraps around a little.