Snow is a wonderful opportunity to take pictures. That stated, keep in mind a few things to watch out for. For starters, your batteries aren’t that great in cold weather. They will drain much faster in cold weather so plan accordingly. Next up when snow melts it turns to water and cameras and water don’t mix well. Will your camera survive? Probably but why risk it. Instead, protect your camera with your coat or better yet have a rain cover ready. Speaking of which, watch out for snow fall from trees. It piles up on those top branches and will fall on you and your camera so be aware of your surroundings.
As for these photos, if you want to freeze snow in the air, then the same principle is in play as if you want to freeze rain in the air – get that shutter speed up. That’s something you should be doing anyway if you are photographing high energy dogs. As for getting good photos of your dogs, try this: do research and understand your dog’s breed. If they are high energy, then go for high energy. If they are laid back and slow moving, then go for slow moving.
These photos were taken at 1/1000 for shutter speed. I sacrificed my F-stop and ISO for that. Redbones move fast so getting a good focus was a challenge and you have no idea how many bad photos I took to get these but that’s all part of the craft.