Cold weather is coming so I spent some time brushing up on basic studio headshots. I personally try to set aside time for basics every month. If you practice the basics enough, you won’t even think about them when you are using them with a client – you will just do them unconsciously freeing your head up to focus on other things during the photo session. So don’t skip practice of the basics.
One slight aside here about what a headshot is. Most people have a general idea but from the photographer’s perspective it may be a little more complicated. A headshot can be just the head and neck, head and shoulders, or head down to waist. Those are three vastly different ranges so context matters. Actor headshots, commercial headshots, political headshots, or even headshots for the family – and that’s just a few different types of headshots and each will have its own set of parameters.
For this photo session, I used a three-light setup. One strobe, my key light, had an octagon softbox. The fill light was a strobe with a long softbox and a grid. Finally, the hair light was a speed light. No frills this time, just a basic 3 light setup.
Also, yes, that is Feddy Krueger’s sweater she is wearing.
Also, also, there will be a name that character contest on Wednesday. My posts go out at 7:00 AM or 7:01 AM. Be ready if you want a chance to win a free 1 hour photo session.