Happy New Year! I have a feeling this is going to be a wonderful year for photography. Now let me get these photography posts back on track now that I’ve semi sorted the studio space I have access to.
I will start with low hanging fruit, a 2-light setup. For this photo I used, well, two lights. The key light has an octagon softbox on it and the hair light is just a speedlight with a snoot on it without the grid. The octagon softbox is just to my side and the snoot is up, back at angle to me, pointed down at my head.
When I call it “low hanging fruit” don’t take that to mean this setup isn’t useful. It is actually VERY useful and one of the 3 setups that can be used for most basic photography jobs – assuming you understand your lights, how light works, and how shadows work. That all takes practice. You can read all the books in the world about this stuff but rarely will it ever be tailored to your specific situation so its better you practice with what you have.
With all that out of the way, once again happy new year and I currently have some availability open for photography work.