In the past, you would give someone your heart, but in this modern age it is all about the head and what is inside it, though. So here the model is sending her head off to someone she is interested in. Boy, will they be surprised when they open that box!
This is done in a manner similar to the UFO abduction picture we posted last week. Which I guess I didn’t explain. Well me explain the steps for this one:
1) Find the location you are going to use, set up the background, scenery, and lighting.
2) Find the angle you are going to photograph from (I recommend low angle for decapitation and floating effects).
3) Set your camera there and hook it up with either a wired or wireless remote (I did wireless)
5) Take a picture of just the scenery without anyone models on set. This shot makes it possible to “decapitate” the model.
6) Take a picture of the model holding the box (or a fake item stand in for a head if that’s what you are going for.
7) Have the model put her head in the box approximately where it was and at the same angle it was at in step 6 and take a picture.
8) Get all three shots over to photoshop or a photoshop equivalent.
9) Edit the shots together, taking great pains to get the minor details right.
10) Take pride that you managed to decapitate someone!
All in all, this was a fun setup to do. For the blood, we made it out of chocolate syrup, cocoa powder, light corn syrup, cornstarch, and red and crimson food coloring. Watch out for the clean up though. This stuff is STICKY so you need to be ready with a mop and several go overs. Still totally worth it.