Another set of photos of myself. This time a different lighting setup. I really was just testing a bunch of different lighting setups on this past Saturday. But this is a good place to tell you that if you are doing a series of different photo sessions or lighting setups with the same subject remind them to bring a change of clothes (or several changes of clothes). While changing clothes takes away time, it does 3 other things.
First, clearly it helps further separates the photo sessions. Sure, I can see the lighting difference but unless people are really looking at the two groups of photos you probably don’t see the difference between Monday’s post and todays. The shadows and the light is the giveaway but it’s a little more subtle here so it isn’t that easy to spot.
Second, it gives the subject a break. Sure, they are changing cloths but that’s time they are thinking about posing or being in front of the camera. It takes energy to have your picture taken when you are aware of what is going on and are involved with the process. Changing cloths gives a break from this process.
Finally, it gives the subject and the photographer a moment to gather and even change their mindset. It never hurts to have a break in the creative process. This is time you will likely be a little more observant because your focus has shifted, allowing you to notice things you may not have noticed before or just get your mind back together on the single task at hand.
Anyway, this session was also done with two lights. I had a strobe with a rectangular soft box equipped with a grid level with my head to my left and a strobe with an octagon soft box forward and to my left angled 45 degrees at my face.